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Making the choice to have your child receive a private school education may be an expensive one, but it is worth it! Coleman Preparatory Academy offers an experience unlike any other. If you haven't checked out why us, please do so by clicking here.


Our current tuition for the 2022-2023 school year is $7,200 annually which breaks down to be $180/week. We offer one-time, monthly, and weekly payment options, with a discount for one-time and monthly payments. Tuition covers a quality education, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack, nap time necessities, and more.


Tuition Assistance

1. We work concession stands at events and games held at YUM Center, Slugger Field, etc. Working these games allows you to raise money for Coleman Prep, and funds to be directly applied to your child's tuition.

2.Coleman Preparatory Academy incentivizes some fundraisers. That means, a percentage of the profit raised goes directly to your student's account. This is an excellent way to defray some of the costs.

3. Have a candid conversation with family and friends about your desires to educate your child. Any payment/contribution in your child's name will be moved directly to your child's account.  

4. As the state moves forward with House Bill 563, we will keep a close eye on how those funds could be used to assist you in securing private quality education.

5. As soon as assistance is available for eligible families with students in PreK-3 and PreK-4, we will notify families.

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1039 S 16th Street Louisville, KY 40210



Coleman Prep Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation in administration of its educational policies, scholarships, loans, tuition remission, fee waivers, educational programs, athletics, or extracurricular activities.

© 2024 Coleman Preparatory Academy designed by Tertal Publishing

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