About Coleman Prep Academy

Coleman Preparatory Academy is a minority founded private school that is a new branch of educational excellence in Louisville, Kentucky. We are a unique institution offering a program that stands out from the rest. We utilize a stakeholder approach that seeks to solicit all vested parties in the education of a child, because we are all responsible. We offer specialized programming and instruction to ensure our children are prepared to accomplish their hopes and dreams.
We know the achievement gap is not an intellectual gap. We know test scores only show a snapshot of a child’s intellect. We know excellence is present and our job is to draw it out. In order for a child to be successful, adequate and appropriate resources need to be at that child’s disposal. We’ve cultivated a program that attacks the achievement gap from multiple angles and provides solutions that will dispel assumptions that a gap in achievement is a gap in intellect.
We're not selling dreams, we're creating promise.